learning and growing together
being our best forever

Food & Fun For Wales
Our Vision is for us to ensure that our families are supported throughout the summer holidays and know where they can access available support.
We want to build healthy supportive relationships with all our families and the local community.

•Engagement with a range of outside agencies.
•SHEP run by LSAs already working in the school so they have good relationships with the children attending.
•Family engagement LSA meeting with parents to discuss the programme and spread through word of mouth.
•Offer sibling and parent sessions including cooking skills and exercise sessions.
•Encourage the take up of school meals and our whole school approach to healthy eating.
•Use of community spaces and community groups to run sessions and promote positive links in the community.
“My two children came to SHEP this summer and it was the best thing ever for my mental health. At the time I had lost a close family member and knowing my children were well cared for and spending time with adults that know their individual needs was a huge relief to me.” Quote from parent (children in Y3 and Y2. 02.10.19
“I’m a single parent with three children and I’m on a zero hour contract at work. If I have a day off I don’t get paid. My children attending SHEP has allowed me to afford to continue working. On my days off I have managed to join in with lots of the activities run for parents and children like cooking and play for children” Quote from a Y5 and Y3 Parent - 5.09.19

•Children feel less of a divide between home and school, they feel better supported as learners and thriving individuals.
•Improved attendance, progress and engagement
•Parents learn new skills (Cooking classes and play with children).
•Promoting children and families to be more active and improve children’s diets.
•Children make new friends in our community.
•92% of parents that attended Family Engagement sessions have reported improved wellbeing and improved relationships with school.
•94% of parents reported a positive financial impact that helped them meet the costs of school holidays. 72% of parents wouldn’t have been able to work without SHEP.
•100% of parents feel their children attending has had a positive effect on their children including: Trying new foods, healthier diets and more physically active. 98% of parents reported improved mental health and well-being for themselves.
•Signposting to other services - Credit Union, Families First, Family Information Services, Flying Start have all run sessions during SHEP.
•Encourages community engagement - Vale of Glamorgan Cricket Club, Vale Sports Services, Local PCSOs have run workshops.
•Made better use of existing facilities - Community Centre, Sports Hall & School used for the children during the holidays.