learning and growing together
being our best forever

Pupil Deprivation Grant Impact

At Cadoxton we recognise the need to support not just our vulnerable children but also their families. We use the grant to make a difference through thinking about how to make sustainable changes. We improve our provision; our ‘Cwtch’ safe spaces offer time and space for the children to support their learning needs. We have developed our family engagement team to support ‘Continuous Learning’ with the skills and technology they needs during the pandemic. We have a full-time team in our community centre working to support and empower our families, based on their needs. We have a skilled team of LSA’s who work alongside our teachers and leaders to support our vulnerable groups of children with their specific learning needs, whether these be social, emotional or academic to enable them to be ‘Ready to Learn’ and achieve their full potential. Our mission is to achieve equity for all.
How and what?
Training in trauma informed practice for all staff
Training in Precision Teaching and intervention for children in Y3-Y6
Speech and Language support for Early years
Play and well-being support in Early Years
Elsa leader - x4 LSA’s
Motional to support Vulnerable learners programme
Improved Provision- Library to raise attainment in reading and for parents to support with the reading process
Family Engagement Leader and a team to drive community needs
Leader of Parent support workers
Nurture and well-being LSAs to support across the school
Cwtch- drop in nurture and medical support available all of the time
Target support LSA in all Ks2 classrooms
Vulnerable learners support team -1:1 support provided by x6 LSA’s
Relationship support team and rooms converted into safe spaces
Digital learning support across the school
Play therapy for vulnerable learners
Enrichment afternoons including Yoga, gardening and life skills
Equity in experiences- subsidised funds for residential, experiences and uniform
Therapeutic approaches: Play therapy, cognitive and learning therapy.
Diploma for Trauma informed Practice for SLT and our Additional Learning Needs coordinators
X2 ALNco’s on the Senior Leadership Team
Whole school staff development in Restorative Practices.