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learning and growing together
being our best forever

Eco Committee
Saving the planet, one action at a time
"We will help children in Cadoxton Primary School understand more about our planet and what we can do to protect it and those that live here. We will also spread this message to our Cadoxton Community so they can help too!"

Meet our eco warrior leaders

As you know, we achieved our Platinum Award and have had this renewed in the July 2024. We want to remain a Platinum Eco School and there are things we could all be doing in school and at home.

Our Aims
To liaise with Big Box Bwyd and grow more produce.
To ensure that the recycling is being done correctly.
To raise the profile of the walking Bus and create a new logo.
To continue to develop the outdoor learning environments.
5 ways you can help to support our planet at home
Turn off lights when you're not in the room.
Don't leave taps running any longer than necessary, such as when brushing teeth.
Reuse items before recycling,
Donate unwanted items.
Support local wildlife by planting native flowers in your garden.
See our Eco Changemakers in Action
Christmas Card Appeal​
Walking Bus
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