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Young Interpreters

What is a Young Interpreter?

Schools of Sanctuary play a vital role in the lives of young people and their families. They help families to resettle and rebuild their lives to become responsible and positive members in their communities. The Young Interpreters undergo specific training to prepare for this role. Their role and responsibility is to help children feel welcome and a sense of ‘cynefin’ (belonging) at Cadoxton Primary School.  


What do we already do?


Meet and Greeters in every class to help people feel welcome and let them know where everything is.


Parents and families have a tour of the school – it might look different to the country they came from so its nice for all the family to look around.


We have languages from around the world on the wall to make everyone feel like they belong.


What qualities are important for a Young Interpreter?




-Clear when they speak and speak slowly with gestures.

-Change/ adapt to suit the child coming into school.


-Empathetic - Put yourself in someone else’s shoes. 

-Big smiley face/ positive. 





What are our aims going forward? Why?


We can help children build connections - If there’s someone in the school who speaks the same language it would be good for them to meet.  


How are we going to action our aims?


We could find out children’s arrival day and prepare our welcome.  It will make that person feel special and welcome.

Meet our Young Interpreters


As a refugee I know how it feels to not feel welcome and not know the language. I couldn’t answer questions. Through the help of my friends and teachers they have helped me to learn language. I know how it feels to belong.


I want to be a YI because I do not like it when people feel left out and feel that they don’t belong. I don’t want anyone to feel like they want to hide or step back.


I chose to be a YI because I am passionate about it. Everyone deserves a place at Cadoxton no matter what language they speak or what country they come form, so they all feel welcome.


I want to make people feel welcome and happy in this school. I want to make sure everyone is kind to the person that has joined the school.


I want to help make families feel welcome to this school and this country.


I want to help welcome new children and make them feel they belong in Cadoxton.

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